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Léon Bakst, Bühnenbildentwurf zum Theaterstück "Das Martyrium des heiligen Sebastian" nach Gabriele D

Léon Bakst,
Bühnenbildentwurf zum Theaterstück "Das Martyrium des heiligen Sebastian" nach Gabriele D'Annuzio 

Bakst, Léon (1866-1924), Stage design for the play "The Martyrdom of St. Sebastian" by Gabriele D'Annuzio, Gouache on paper, 1, 1881, Bibliothèque-Musée de l'Opera Garnier, Paris, 

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author: 91900
image ID: ci01651599.jpg

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More pictures from Léon Bakst in our photo database

Léon Bakst, Plakat zum Ballett Das Frühlingsopfer
Léon Bakst, Portrait of the composer Mily A. Balakirev (1837-1910)
Léon Bakst, Costume design for the play The Martyrdom of St. Sebastian by Gabriele D'Annuzio
Léon Bakst, Kostümentwurf für Ida Rubinstein in der Hauptrolle von Ishtar
Léon Bakst, Das Souper, Bakst, Léon (1866-1924)
Léon Bakst, Regenguss, Bakst, Léon (1866-1924)
Léon Bakst, Tanz mit sieben Schleiern. Kostümentwurf zum Theaterstück Salome von O. Wilde, Bakst, Léon (1866-1924)
Léon Bakst, Coppelius und Coppélia. Nach dem Ballett Coppélia von Leo Delibes, Bakst, Léon (1866-1924)
Léon Bakst, Selbstbildnis, Bakst, Léon (1866-1924)
Léon Bakst, Im Atelier einer Künstlerin. Plakatentwurf zur Ausstellung der Wiener Sezession, Bakst, Léon (1866-1924)
Léon Bakst, Bühnenbildentwurf zum Ballett Daphnis et Chloé von M. Ravel, Bakst, Léon (1866-1924)
Léon Bakst, Faun. Kostümentwurf zum Ballett Nachmittag eines Fauns von C. Debussy, Bakst, Léon (1866-1924)
Léon Bakst, Umschlag eines Programmheftes des Eremitage-Theaters, Bakst, Léon (1866-1924)
Léon Bakst, Bacchantin. Kostümentwurf zum Ballett Narzissus von N.Tscherepnin, Bakst, Léon (1866-1924)
Léon Bakst, Lesende Frau, Bakst, Léon (1866-1924)
Léon Bakst, Porträt des Malers Alexander Benois (1870-1960), Bakst, Léon (1866-1924)
Léon Bakst, Porträt Sergei Djagilew (1872-1929) mit seiner Kinderfrau, Bakst, Léon (1866-1924)
Léon Bakst, Kaiserin Elisabeth auf der Hetzjagd, Bakst, Léon (1866-1924)
Léon Bakst, Porträt der Ballettänzerin Anna Pawlowa (1881-1931), Bakst, Léon (1866-1924)
Léon Bakst, Der Junge aus der Hochzeitsprozession. Kostümentwurf zum Ballett Orpheus von J. Roger-Ducasse, Bakst, Léon (1866-1924)
Léon Bakst, Porträt der Tänzerin Isadora Duncan (1877-1927), Bakst, Léon (1866-1924)
Léon Bakst, Péri. Kostümentwurf zum Ballett La Péri von P. Ducas, Bakst, Léon (1866-1924)
Léon Bakst, Porträt des Malers Konstantin Somow (1869-1939), Bakst, Léon (1866-1924)
Léon Bakst, Niccolo Paganini. Kostümentwurf zum Ballett Die Zaubernacht von F. Chopin, Bakst, Léon (1866-1924)
Léon Bakst, Porträt der Lyrikerin und Autorin Sinaida Hippius (1869-1945), Bakst, Léon (1866-1924)
Léon Bakst, Iskander. Kostümentwurf zum Ballett La Péri von P. Ducas, Bakst, Léon (1866-1924)
Léon Bakst, Odalisque. Kostümentwurf zum Ballett Scheherazade von N. Rimski-Korsakow, Bakst, Léon (1866-1924)
Léon Bakst, Bühnenbildentwurf zum Ballett Scheherazade von N. Rimski-Korsakow, Bakst, Léon (1866-1924)
Léon Bakst, Die Sultanin. Kostümentwurf zum Ballett Scheherazade von N. Rimski-Korsakow, Bakst, Léon (1866-1924)
Léon Bakst, Bühnenbildentwurf zum Ballett Scheherazade von N. Rimski-Korsakow, Bakst, Léon (1866-1924)
Léon Bakst, Feuervogel. Kostümentwurf zum Ballett Der Feuervogel (L'oiseau de feu) von I. Strawinski, Bakst, Léon (1866-1924)
Léon Bakst, Zwei Böotierinnen. Kostümentwurf zum Ballett Narzissus von N. Tscherepnin, Bakst, Léon (1866-1924)
Léon Bakst, Karneval zu Ehren Admirals Avellan am 5. Oktober 1893 in Paris, Bakst, Léon (1866-1924)
Léon Bakst, Phaidra. Kostümentwurf zum Theaterstück Hippolytos von Euripides, Bakst, Léon (1866-1924)
Léon Bakst, Kostümentwurf zum Ballett Kleopatra von A. Arenski, Bakst, Léon (1866-1924)
Léon Bakst, Kostümentwurf zum Ballett Die Puppenfee von J. Bayer, Bakst, Léon (1866-1924)
Léon Bakst, Kostümentwurf zum Theaterstück Ödipus auf Kolonos von Sophokles, Bakst, Léon (1866-1924)
Léon Bakst, Kostümentwurf zum Theaterstück Ödipus auf Kolonos von Sophokles, Bakst, Léon (1866-1924)
Léon Bakst, Bildnis S.P. Wallison, Bakst, Léon (1866-1924)
Léon Bakst, Briefträger. Kostümentwurf zum Ballett Die Puppenfee von J. Bayer, Bakst, Léon (1866-1924)
Léon Bakst, Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1827), Bakst, Léon (1866-1924)
Léon Bakst, Im Restaurant. Dame in Schwarz, Bakst, Léon (1866-1924)
Léon Bakst, Illustration zur Novelle Die Nase von N. Gogol, Bakst, Léon (1866-1924)
Léon Bakst, Entwurf des Vorhanges zur Pantomime Das Herz der Marquise, Bakst, Léon (1866-1924)
Léon Bakst, Kostümentwurf zum Ballett Islamei von M. Balakirew, Bakst, Léon (1866-1924)
Léon Bakst, Hofdame. Kostümentwurf zum Theaterstück Hippolytos von Euripides, Bakst, Léon (1866-1924)
Léon Bakst, Kostümentwurf zum Ballett Die übermütigen Frauen nach C. Goldoni, Bakst, Léon (1866-1924)
Léon Bakst, Kostümentwurf zum Ballett Das Martyrium des heiligen Sebastian nach G. D'Annuzio, Bakst, Léon (1866-1924)
Léon Bakst, Porträt des Dichters Andrei Bely (1880-1934), Bakst, Léon (1866-1924)
Léon Bakst, Der heilige Tanz der Siamesen, Bakst, Léon (1866-1924)
Léon Bakst, Porträt des Religionsphilosophen und Publizisten Wassili W. Rosanow (1856-1919), Bakst, Léon (1866-1924)
Léon Bakst, Plakat für den Wohltätigkeitsbasar zugunsten der Findelkinder, Bakst, Léon (1866-1924)
Léon Bakst, Das Elysion, Bakst, Léon (1866-1924)
Léon Bakst, Porträt des Malers Isaak Lewitan (1861-1900), Bakst, Léon (1866-1924)
Léon Bakst, Kostümentwurf für Rinaldo im Ballett Le donne de buon umore von Scarlatti
Léon Bakst, Kostümentwurf zum Ballett Die Puppenfee von J. Bayer
Léon Bakst, Der mittelalterliche Fürst. Kostümentwurf
Léon Bakst, Bühnenbildentwurf zum Ballett Scheherazade von N. Rimski-Korsakow
Léon Bakst, Orientalisches Kostüm
Léon Bakst, Costume design for the ballet The Fairy Doll by J. Bayer
Léon Bakst, Portrait of the composer Mily A. Balakirev (1837-1910)
Léon Bakst, Costume design for Mrs. L. Bakst
Léon Bakst, Portrait of Grand Duchess Elena Vladimirovna of Russia (1882-1957)
Léon Bakst, Watering Horse
Léon Bakst, Carmen
Léon Bakst, Fancy Dress Costume Design
Léon Bakst, Costume design for the opera Fedra by Ildebrando Pizzetti
Léon Bakst, Stage design for the ballet Thamar by M.A. Balakirev
Léon Bakst, Peasant woman. Costume design for the Vaudeville Old Moscow at the Théâtre Femina in Paris
Léon Bakst, Stage design for the ballet Hélène de Sparte by E. Verhaeren and D. de Séverac
Léon Bakst, Costume design for Ida Rubinstein in the ballet Hélène de Sparte by E. Verhaeren and D. de Séverac
Léon Bakst, Costume design for the ballet Sheherazade by N. Rimsky-Korsakov
Léon Bakst, Englishwoman. Costume design for the ballet The Magic Toy Shop by G. Rossini
Léon Bakst, Stage design for the drama Phaedra (Phèdre) by Jean Racine
Léon Bakst, Costume design for the Ballet Blue God by R. Hahn
Léon Bakst, Stage design for the ballet Cléopatre
Léon Bakst, Page de la princesse. Costume design for the ballet Sleeping Beauty by P. Tchaikovsky
Léon Bakst, Stage design for the ballet Daphnis et Chloé by M. Ravel
Léon Bakst, Englishman. Costume design for the ballet The Magic Toy Shop by G. Rossini
Léon Bakst, Costume design for the Ballet Blue God by R. Hahn
Léon Bakst, Costume design for the ballet Cléopatre
Léon Bakst, Woman in Oriental Dress
Léon Bakst, Costume design for the ballet The Magic Toy Shop by G. Rossini
Léon Bakst, Ivan Tsarevich. Costume design for the ballet The Firebird (L'oiseau de feu) by I. Stravinsky
Léon Bakst, Bacchante. Costume design for the ballet Narcisse by N. Tcherepnin
Léon Bakst, Costume design for the Ballet Blue God by R. Hahn
Léon Bakst, Stage design for the ballet Le donne di buon umore by C. Goldoni
Léon Bakst, Costume design for Vaslav Nijinsky in the Ballet Blue God by R. Hahn
Léon Bakst, Ida Rubinstein in the play The Martyrdom of St. Sebastian by Gabriele D'Annuzio
Léon Bakst, Costume design for Tamara Karsavina in the ballet The Firebird (L'oiseau de feu) by I. Stravinsky
Léon Bakst, Stage design for the play The Martyrdom of St. Sebastian by Gabriele D'Annuzio
Léon Bakst, Narcissus. Costume design for the ballet Narcisse by N. Tcherepnin
Léon Bakst, Judith of Bethulia
Léon Bakst, Stage design for the play The Martyrdom of St. Sebastian by Gabriele D'Annuzio
Léon Bakst, Costume design for the Ballet Blue God by R. Hahn
Léon Bakst, Costume design for the ballet Cléopatre
Léon Bakst, Stage design for the ballet Narcisse by N. Tcherepnin
Léon Bakst, Italian puppet. Costume design for the ballet The Magic Toy Shop by G. Rossini
Léon Bakst, The Yellow Sultan's Wife
Léon Bakst, Portrait of madame T.
Léon Bakst, Costume design for the ballet Daphnis et Chloé by M. Ravel
Léon Bakst, Costume design for the ballet Sheherazade by N. Rimsky-Korsakov
Léon Bakst, Costume design for the opera Sadko by N. Rimsky-Korsakov
Léon Bakst, Stage design for the play Salome by O. Wilde
Léon Bakst, Costume design for the ballet The Magic Toy Shop by G. Rossini
Léon Bakst, Costume design for the play The Martyrdom of St. Sebastian by Gabriele D'Annuzio
Léon Bakst, Phobos. Costume design for the ballet Narcisse by N. Tcherepnin
Léon Bakst, Design of a modern Dress
Léon Bakst, Galisson. Costume design for the ballet Sleeping Beauty by P. Tchaikovsky
Léon Bakst, Costume design for the ballet Le donne di buon umore by C. Goldoni
Léon Bakst, Costume design for the ballet Les Papillons by Robert Schumann
Léon Bakst, Costume design for the Ballet Blue God by R. Hahn
Léon Bakst, Costume design for the Ballet Blue God by R. Hahn
Léon Bakst, Vaslav Nijinsky. Costume design for the Ballet Blue God by R. Hahn
Léon Bakst, Costume design for the Ballet La Légende de Joseph by R. Strauss
Léon Bakst, Stage design for the play The Martyrdom of St. Sebastian by Gabriele D'Annuzio
Léon Bakst, Peasant woman. Costume design for the Vaudeville Old Moscow at the Théâtre Femina in Paris
Léon Bakst, Jewish Dance. Costume design for the ballet Cléopatre
Léon Bakst, Stage design for the ballet The Afternoon of a Faun by C. Debussy
Léon Bakst, Nijinsky and Karsavina in the ballet Le Spectre de la Rose
Léon Bakst, Fantasy on the Theme Modern Dress
Léon Bakst, Nymph. Costume design for the ballet The Afternoon of a Faun by C. Debussy
Léon Bakst, Portrait of Ida Rubinstein
Léon Bakst, Indian Dance (La Marquise de Casati)
Léon Bakst, Stage design for the ballet Oriental Fantasy by Ippolitov-Ivanov and Mussorgsky
Léon Bakst, Odalisque. Costume design for the ballet Sheherazade by N. Rimsky-Korsakov
Léon Bakst, Stage design for the Ballet Blue God by R. Hahn
Léon Bakst, Peasant woman. Costume design for the Vaudeville Old Moscow at the Théâtre Femina in Paris
Léon Bakst, Costume design for the opera Sadko by N. Rimsky-Korsakov
Léon Bakst, Page de la princesse. Costume design for the ballet Sleeping Beauty by P. Tchaikovsky
Léon Bakst, Costume design for the ballet Sheherazade by N. Rimsky-Korsakov
Léon Bakst, Stage design for the ballet Daphnis et Chloé by M. Ravel
Léon Bakst, Stage design for the ballet Hélène de Sparte by E. Verhaeren and D. de Séverac
Léon Bakst, Stage design for the ballet Daphnis et Chloé by M. Ravel
Léon Bakst, Delphi
Léon Bakst, Harem's Secret. (Ballet Scheharazade by N. Rimsky-Korsakov)
Léon Bakst, Playbill Cover for Contemporary Ballet
Léon Bakst, King. Costume design for the ballet Sleeping Beauty by P. Tchaikovsky
Léon Bakst, Costume design to the play The Martyrdom of St. Sebastian by Gabriele D'Annuzio
Léon Bakst, Ida Rubinstein
Léon Bakst, Costume design for the ballet Daphnis et Chloé by M. Ravel
Léon Bakst, Stage design for the Ballet Blue God by R. Hahn
Léon Bakst, La Princesse Enchantée. Costume design for the ballet The Sleeping Princess
Léon Bakst, Costume design for the ballet Sleeping Beauty by P. Tchaikovsky
Léon Bakst, Costume design for the ballet Carnaval by R. Schumann
Léon Bakst, Portrait of Rachel Strong, the Future Countess Henri de Boisgelin
Léon Bakst, Set Design for La Pisanelle ou la mort parfumée by Gabriele d'Annunzio
Léon Bakst, Phaedra. Costume design for the drama Hippolytus by Euripides
Léon Bakst, Oriental Scene
Léon Bakst, Costume design for the ballet Carnaval by R. Schumann
Léon Bakst, Portrait of a Girl Wearing a Kokoshnik
Léon Bakst, Portrait of a Girl Wearing a Kokoshnik
Léon Bakst, Sleeping Sultan's Wife
Léon Bakst, Costume design for the ballet Carnaval by R. Schumann
Léon Bakst, Nymph Echo. Costume design for the ballet Narcisse by N. Tcherepnin
Léon Bakst, Autumn (A Vase)
Léon Bakst, Stage design for the ballet Les Papillons by Robert Schumann
Léon Bakst, Title page of Souvenir program for Ballets Russes
Léon Bakst, Title page of Souvenir program for Ballets Russes
Léon Bakst, Costume design for the play The Martyrdom of St. Sebastian by Gabriele D'Annuzio
Léon Bakst, Costume design for the Ballet La Légende de Joseph by R. Strauss
Léon Bakst, Costume design for the ballet Cleopatra by A. Arensky
Léon Bakst, Stage design for the ballet Sleeping beauty by P. Tchaikovsky
Léon Bakst, Odalisque. Costume design for the ballet Sheherazade by N. Rimsky-Korsakov
Léon Bakst, Costume design for the ballet Sleeping Beauty by P. Tchaikovsky
Léon Bakst, Costume design for the play The Martyrdom of St. Sebastian by Gabriele D'Annuzio
Léon Bakst, Bathers on the Lido, Venice (Serge Diaghilev and Vaslav Nijinsky on the Beach)
Léon Bakst, Costume design for the revue Aladin, or the Wonderful Lamp
Léon Bakst, Costume design for the Ballet La Légende de Joseph by R. Strauss
Léon Bakst, Costume design for the ballet Sleeping Beauty by P. Tchaikovsky
Léon Bakst, Costume design for the ballet Hélène de Sparte by E. Verhaeren and D. de Séverac
Léon Bakst, Costume design for Ida Rubinstein in the drama Phaedra (Phèdre) by Jean Racine
Léon Bakst, Costume design for the Ballet La Légende de Joseph by R. Strauss
Léon Bakst, Costume design for the ballet Sleeping Beauty by P. Tchaikovsky
Léon Bakst, Vaslav Nijinsky in the Ballet The Afternoon of a Faun by C. Debussy
Léon Bakst, Costume design for Vaslav Nijinsky in the ballet Le Spectre de la Rose
Léon Bakst, Costume design for the ballet Scheharazade by N. Rimsky-Korsakov
Léon Bakst, Costume design for the Ballet Blue God by R. Hahn
Léon Bakst, Costume design for the ballet Daphnis et Chloé by M. Ravel
Léon Bakst, Le monstre de la guerre
Léon Bakst, Stage design for the revue
Léon Bakst, Costume design for Vaslav Nijinsky in the ballet Cleopatra by A. Arensky
Léon Bakst, Costume design for the ballet Oriental Fantasy (Ballet Hindu)
Léon Bakst, Odalisque. Costume design for the ballet Sheherazade by N. Rimsky-Korsakov
Léon Bakst, Almee. Costume design for the ballet Sheherazade by N. Rimsky-Korsakov
Léon Bakst, The Sleeping Beauty
Léon Bakst, The Decorative Art of Léon Bakst, London: The Fine Art Society, 1913
Léon Bakst, Stage design for the Ballet Phèdre
Léon Bakst, Stage design for the Ballet Blue God by R. Hahn
Léon Bakst, Costume design for Ida Rubinstein in the drama Phaedra (Phèdre) by Jean Racine
Léon Bakst, The Sleeping Beauty
Léon Bakst, Costume design for the Ballet Blue God by R. Hahn
Léon Bakst, Ancient Vision (magazine Zolotoe Runo 1906 no. 4)
Léon Bakst, Costume design for the Ballet Blue God by R. Hahn
Léon Bakst, Hippolyte. Costume design for the Ballet Phèdre
Léon Bakst, Hall of sculptures on the Dyaghilev's Exposition de l'Art russe at the Salon d'Automne in Paris in 1906
Léon Bakst, Costume design for the ballet Carnaval by R. Schumann
Léon Bakst, Predestination. Mir iskusstva, 1901 No 5
Léon Bakst, Costume design for the ballet Les femmes de bonne humeur (The Good-Humoured Ladies)
Léon Bakst, Costume design for the ballet Hélène de Sparte by E. Verhaeren and D. de Séverac
Léon Bakst, Costume design for the Ballet Blue God by R. Hahn
Léon Bakst, Portrait of the painter Filipp Andreevich Malyavin (1869-1940)
Léon Bakst, Costume design for the ballet The Firebird (L'oiseau de feu) by I. Stravinsky
Léon Bakst, Portrait of the Poet Andrei Bely (1880-1934)
Léon Bakst, Costume design for the ballet Scheharazade by N. Rimsky-Korsakov
Léon Bakst, Portrait of a Girl
Léon Bakst, Old Parisian woman
Léon Bakst, Costume design for the ballet The Firebird (L'oiseau de feu) by I. Stravinsky
Léon Bakst, Stage design for the ballet Les Orientales
Léon Bakst, Child in Pink
Léon Bakst, Phaedra. Costume design for the Ballet Hippolytus after Euripides
Léon Bakst, Textile design with American Indian motifs
Léon Bakst, Textile design with American Indian motifs
Léon Bakst, Portrait of Marina Nikolayevna Gritsenko (1901-1971) as Child
Léon Bakst, Portrait of Elena Ivanovna Nabokova
Léon Bakst, Costume design for the ballet Sylvia ou La Nymphe de Diane by Léo Delibes
Léon Bakst, Bühnenbildentwurf zum Ballett Daphnis et Chloé von M. Ravel (Théâtre du Châtelet, Paris)
Léon Bakst, Ein mittelalterlicher Fürst
Léon Bakst, Vaslav Nijinsky am Lido
Léon Bakst, Entwurf des Vorhanges zum Ballett Istar von Bohuslav Martinu
Léon Bakst, Kostümentwurf zum Ballett Dornröschen von P. Tschaikowski
Léon Bakst, Kostümentwurf zum Ballett
Léon Bakst, Die gelbe Sultanin
Léon Bakst, Entwurf des Vorhangs zum Ballett Dornröschen von P. Tschaikowski
Léon Bakst, Bojar. Kostümentwurf zur Oper Sadko von N. Rimski-Korsakow
Léon Bakst, Bacchante. Kostümentwurf zum Ballett Kleopatra von A. Arenski
Léon Bakst, Kostümentwurf zum Ballett
Léon Bakst, Mazurka-Tänzerin. Kostümentwurf zum Ballett Dornröschen von P. Tschaikowski
Léon Bakst, Kostümentwurf zum Ballett Dornröschen von P. Tschaikowski
Léon Bakst, Kostümentwurf zum Ballett Dornröschen von P. Tschaikowski
Léon Bakst, Kostümentwurf zum Ballett Dornröschen von P. Tschaikowski
Léon Bakst, Kostümentwurf zum Ballett Dornröschen von P. Tschaikowski
Léon Bakst, Kostümentwurf zum Ballett Dornröschen von P. Tschaikowski
Léon Bakst, Kostümentwurf zum Ballett Dornröschen von P. Tschaikowski
Léon Bakst, Kostümentwurf zum Vaudeville
Léon Bakst, Kostümentwurf zum Ballett La Nuit ensorcelée von F. Chopin und L. Aubert
Léon Bakst, Kostümentwurf zum Ballett Diane et Actéon Pas de deux (Pas de Diane)
Léon Bakst, General Hasphénor. Kostümentwurf zum Theaterstück
Léon Bakst, Kostümentwurf zum Ballett La Boutique Fantasque
Léon Bakst, Kostümentwurf zum Theaterstück Ödipus auf Kolonos von Sophokles
Léon Bakst, Lower torso of Ida Rubinstein (1883-1960)
Léon Bakst, Costume design for the tragedy Antigone after Sophocles
Léon Bakst, Costume design for the ballet
Léon Bakst, Costume design for the ballet
Léon Bakst, Costume design for the ballet
Léon Bakst, Costume design for the ballet La Boutique Fantasque
Léon Bakst, Costume design for the ballet Hélène de Sparte by E. Verhaeren and D. de Séverac
Léon Bakst, Pierrot
Léon Bakst, Bluebird. Costume design for the ballet Sleeping Beauty by P. Tchaikovsky
Léon Bakst, Costume design for the ballet Carnaval by R. Schumann
Léon Bakst, Costume design for the ballet Cleopatra by A. Arensky
Léon Bakst, Peasant woman. Costume design for the Vaudeville
Léon Bakst, Stage design for the ballet Sleeping beauty by P. Tchaikovsky
Léon Bakst, Nude study: Ida Rubinstein
Léon Bakst, Stage design for the ballet La damnation de Faust by Hector Berlioz
Léon Bakst, Illustration for the magazine Apollon
Léon Bakst, Textile design
Léon Bakst, Textile design
Léon Bakst, Textile design
Léon Bakst, Textile design
Léon Bakst, Textile design
Léon Bakst, Design of curtain for the ballet Sleeping beauty by P. Tchaikovsky
Léon Bakst, Portrait of Sébastien Voirol (1870-1930)
Léon Bakst, Costume design for the Ballet
Léon Bakst, Portrait of Marchesa Luisa Casati
Léon Bakst, Des Karpathes a Berlin, un bond dans le style des ballets russes...
Léon Bakst, Kostümentwurf zum Ballett Kleopatra von A. Arenski
Léon Bakst, Kostümentwurf zum Ballett Daphnis et Chloé von M. Ravel
Léon Bakst, Kostümentwurf zum Theaterstück Salomé von O. Wilde
Léon Bakst, Misia Sert et projet de chapeau
Léon Bakst, Kostümentwurf zum Theaterstück Das Martyrium des heiligen Sebastian
Léon Bakst, Bühnenbildentwurf zum Ballett Phèdre
Léon Bakst, Marchesa Luisa Casati
Léon Bakst, Bacchante. Kostümentwurf zum Ballett Kleopatra von A. Arenski