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Viktor Michailowitsch Wasnezow, Portrait of Tatyana Viktorovna Vasnetsova, the Artist

Viktor Michailowitsch Wasnezow,
Portrait of Tatyana Viktorovna Vasnetsova, the Artist's Daughter 

Portrait of Tatyana Viktorovna Vasnetsova, the Artist's Daughter, Vasnetsov, Viktor Mikhaylovich (1848-1926), 1897, Oil on canvas,Realism, V. Vasnetsov Memorial Museum, Moscow, 

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author: 91900
image ID: ci01468820.jpg

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Viktor Michailowitsch Wasnezow, Heiliger Nestor von Kiew
Viktor Michailowitsch Wasnezow, Medallions with Russian Saints (Study for frescos in the St Vladimir's Cathedral of Kiev)
Viktor Michailowitsch Wasnezow, Snow Maiden and Lel. Costume design for the opera Snow Maiden by N. Rimsky-Korsakov
Viktor Michailowitsch Wasnezow, Mark the Martyr (Study for frescos in the St Vladimir's Cathedral of Kiev)
Viktor Michailowitsch Wasnezow, Stage design for the opera Sadko by N. Rimsky-Korsakov
Viktor Michailowitsch Wasnezow, Holy Prince Igor of Chernigov (Study for frescos in the St Vladimir's Cathedral of Kiev)
Viktor Michailowitsch Wasnezow, Saint Theodore the Varangian (Study for frescos in the St Vladimir's Cathedral of Kiev)
Viktor Michailowitsch Wasnezow, Boyan playing a gusli
Viktor Michailowitsch Wasnezow, Riding a Flying Carpet
Viktor Michailowitsch Wasnezow, The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse
Viktor Michailowitsch Wasnezow, Saint Olga, Princess of Kiev (Study for frescos in the St Vladimir's Cathedral of Kiev)
Viktor Michailowitsch Wasnezow, Battle between the Scythians and the Slavs
Viktor Michailowitsch Wasnezow, Kupava. Costume design for the opera Snow Maiden by N. Rimsky-Korsakov
Viktor Michailowitsch Wasnezow, Stage design for the opera Snow Maiden by N. Rimsky-Korsakov
Viktor Michailowitsch Wasnezow, News about the Siege of Kars
Viktor Michailowitsch Wasnezow, Virgin and Child
Viktor Michailowitsch Wasnezow, Girl, lamp and bird
Viktor Michailowitsch Wasnezow, Saint Nikita, Bishop of Novgorod (Study for frescos in the St Vladimir's Cathedral of Kiev)
Viktor Michailowitsch Wasnezow, Before the Paradies (Central part)
Viktor Michailowitsch Wasnezow, Stage design for the theatre play Snow Maiden by A. Ostrovsky
Viktor Michailowitsch Wasnezow, Costume design for the opera Snow Maiden by N. Rimsky-Korsakov
Viktor Michailowitsch Wasnezow, Snow Maiden
Viktor Michailowitsch Wasnezow, Stage design for the opera Snow Maiden by N. Rimsky-Korsakov
Viktor Michailowitsch Wasnezow, Tea house
Viktor Michailowitsch Wasnezow, The Stone Age. A Feast
Viktor Michailowitsch Wasnezow, Single combat of Peresvet and Temir-murza on the Kulikovo Field in 1380
Viktor Michailowitsch Wasnezow, The Gusli Players
Viktor Michailowitsch Wasnezow, Saint Gavriil of Belostok (Study for frescos in the St Vladimir's Cathedral of Kiev)
Viktor Michailowitsch Wasnezow, Tsar Berendey. Costume design for the opera Snow Maiden by N. Rimsky-Korsakov
Viktor Michailowitsch Wasnezow, Before the Paradise (Left part)
Viktor Michailowitsch Wasnezow, Spring Beauty. Costume design for the opera Snow Maiden by N. Rimsky-Korsakov
Viktor Michailowitsch Wasnezow, Before the Paradise (Right part)
Viktor Michailowitsch Wasnezow, Saint Euphrosyne of Polatsk (Study for frescos in the St Vladimir's Cathedral of Kiev)
Viktor Michailowitsch Wasnezow, Grandfather Frost. Costume design for the opera Snow Maiden by N. Rimsky-Korsakov
Viktor Michailowitsch Wasnezow, God the Father
Viktor Michailowitsch Wasnezow, Eudoxia of Moscow (Study for frescos in the St Vladimir's Cathedral of Kiev)
Viktor Michailowitsch Wasnezow, Saint Prince Michael of Chernigov (Study for frescos in the St Vladimir's Cathedral of Kiev)
Viktor Michailowitsch Wasnezow, His Only-begotten Son and the Word of God
Viktor Michailowitsch Wasnezow, Canto of Oleg the Wise
Viktor Michailowitsch Wasnezow, The Christening of Russia
Viktor Michailowitsch Wasnezow, Saint Prokopius of Ustyug (Study for frescos in the St Vladimir's Cathedral of Kiev)
Viktor Michailowitsch Wasnezow, Sirin and Alkonost. A Song of Joy and Sorrow
Viktor Michailowitsch Wasnezow, Holy Prince Basil of Rostov (Study for frescos in the St Vladimir's Cathedral of Kiev)
Viktor Michailowitsch Wasnezow, Stage design for the theatre play Snow Maiden by A. Ostrovsky
Viktor Michailowitsch Wasnezow, Medallions with Russian Saints (Study for frescos in the St Vladimir's Cathedral of Kiev)
Viktor Michailowitsch Wasnezow, Saint Macarius, Metropolitan of Kiev
Viktor Michailowitsch Wasnezow, Saint Moses the Hungarian
Viktor Michailowitsch Wasnezow, Saint Martyr John of Kazan
Viktor Michailowitsch Wasnezow, Venerable Theodore, Prince of Ostrog, the Wonderworker of the Kiev Caves
Viktor Michailowitsch Wasnezow, Sadko
Viktor Michailowitsch Wasnezow, The Princess Who Never Smiled (Nesmeyana)
Viktor Michailowitsch Wasnezow, Portrait of Alexandra Vladimirovna Vasnetsova, the Artist's Wife
Viktor Michailowitsch Wasnezow, Saint Macarius of Unzha
Viktor Michailowitsch Wasnezow, Saint Philip, Metropolitan of Moscow
Viktor Michailowitsch Wasnezow, Venerable Nikita Stylites of Pereyaslavl
Viktor Michailowitsch Wasnezow, Saints Athanasius the Great
Viktor Michailowitsch Wasnezow, Saint Dimitry, Metropolitan of Rostov
Viktor Michailowitsch Wasnezow, Venerable Theodore, Prince of Ostrog, the Wonderworker of the Kiev Caves
Viktor Michailowitsch Wasnezow, Saint Paphnutius of Borovsk
Viktor Michailowitsch Wasnezow, Saint Leontius of Rostov
Viktor Michailowitsch Wasnezow, Saint Basil of Mangazeya
Viktor Michailowitsch Wasnezow, Venerable Michael the Fool-for-Christ of the Klops Monastery
Viktor Michailowitsch Wasnezow, Saint Wenceslaus I. Duke of Bohemia
Viktor Michailowitsch Wasnezow, Saint Grand Prince Igor II Olgovich of Kiev
Viktor Michailowitsch Wasnezow, The Frog Princess
Viktor Michailowitsch Wasnezow, Saint Prince Roman Olegovich of Ryazan
Viktor Michailowitsch Wasnezow, Saint Martyr Basil of the Kiev Caves
Viktor Michailowitsch Wasnezow, Koschei the Immortal
Viktor Michailowitsch Wasnezow, Saint Demetrius of Alexandria
Viktor Michailowitsch Wasnezow, Saint Prince Theodore the Black
Viktor Michailowitsch Wasnezow, Mikula Selyaninovich
Viktor Michailowitsch Wasnezow, Saint Barlaam of Khutyn
Viktor Michailowitsch Wasnezow, Saint Abraham of Bulgaria
Viktor Michailowitsch Wasnezow, Saint Prince Vasilko Konstantinovich of Rostov
Viktor Michailowitsch Wasnezow, Saint Gurias, Archbishop of Kazan
Viktor Michailowitsch Wasnezow, Saint Innocent of Irkutsk
Viktor Michailowitsch Wasnezow, Saint Grand Prince Andrey Bogolyubsky
Viktor Michailowitsch Wasnezow, Saint Joseph of Volotsk
Viktor Michailowitsch Wasnezow, Nifont, Archbishop of Novgorod
Viktor Michailowitsch Wasnezow, Saint Mitrofan of Voronezh
Viktor Michailowitsch Wasnezow, Saint Georgy II Vsevolodovich (1189-1238), Grand Prince of Vladimir
Viktor Michailowitsch Wasnezow, Saint Prince Michael of Chernigov
Viktor Michailowitsch Wasnezow, Menu of the Feast meal to celebrate of the Coronation of Nicholas II and Alexandra Fyodorovna
Viktor Michailowitsch Wasnezow, Menu of the Feast meal to celebrate of the Coronation of Tsar Alexander III and Tsarina Maria Feodorovna
Viktor Michailowitsch Wasnezow, On guard
Viktor Michailowitsch Wasnezow, Menu for the Annual Banquet for the Knights of the Order of St. George, November 28, 1899
Viktor Michailowitsch Wasnezow, Costume design for the opera Rusalka by A. Dargomyzhsky
Viktor Michailowitsch Wasnezow, Pimen. Illustration to the Drama Boris Godunov by A. Pushkin
Viktor Michailowitsch Wasnezow, Menu for the Annual Banquet for the Knights of the Order of St. George, November 28, 1887
Viktor Michailowitsch Wasnezow, Costume design for the opera Rusalka by A. Dargomyzhsky
Viktor Michailowitsch Wasnezow, Rest of Grand Prince Vladimir II Monomakh on the Hunt. (The Imperial Hunt in Russia by N. Kutepov)
Viktor Michailowitsch Wasnezow, The Invitation of the Varangians: Rurik and his brothers arrive in Staraya Ladoga
Viktor Michailowitsch Wasnezow, Illustration for Canto of Oleg the Wise
Viktor Michailowitsch Wasnezow, Illustration for Canto of Oleg the Wise
Viktor Michailowitsch Wasnezow, Illustration. Coronation of Empreror Alexander III and Empress Maria Fyodorovna
Viktor Michailowitsch Wasnezow, Tsar s Alexei Mikhailovich Ride to the Hunt
Viktor Michailowitsch Wasnezow, Saint Helena
Viktor Michailowitsch Wasnezow, The Princess Who Never Smiled (Nesmeyana)
Viktor Michailowitsch Wasnezow, The design of the façade of the Tretyakov Gallery. Magazine Mir iskusstva (World of Art) 1900 No 21-22
Viktor Michailowitsch Wasnezow, Costume design for the opera Snow Maiden by N. Rimsky-Korsakov
Viktor Michailowitsch Wasnezow, Tsar Berendey. Costume design for the theatre play Snow Maiden by Alexander Ostrovsky
Viktor Michailowitsch Wasnezow, Stage design for the theatre play Snow Maiden by Alexander Ostrovsky
Viktor Michailowitsch Wasnezow, Spring. Costume design for the theatre play Snow Maiden by Alexander Ostrovsky
Viktor Michailowitsch Wasnezow, Kupava. Costume design for the theatre play Snow Maiden by Alexander Ostrovsky
Viktor Michailowitsch Wasnezow, Prince. Costume design for the opera Rusalka by A. Dargomyzhsky
Viktor Michailowitsch Wasnezow, Portrait of the sculptor Mark Matveyevich Antokolsky (1843-1902)
Viktor Michailowitsch Wasnezow, Portrait of the artist Maria Yakunchikova (1870-1902)
Viktor Michailowitsch Wasnezow, Mizgir. Costume design for the theatre play Snow Maiden by Alexander Ostrovsky
Viktor Michailowitsch Wasnezow, Costume design for the theatre play Snow Maiden by Alexander Ostrovsky
Viktor Michailowitsch Wasnezow, The Battle of Kulikovo on September 8, 1380
Viktor Michailowitsch Wasnezow, Ivan Tsarevich fought Zmey Gorynych
Viktor Michailowitsch Wasnezow, The Last Judgment
Viktor Michailowitsch Wasnezow, Portrait of Vera Savvishna Mamontova (1875-1907)
Viktor Michailowitsch Wasnezow, Portrait of Yelizaveta Grigoryevna Mamontova (1847-1908)
Viktor Michailowitsch Wasnezow, Illustration for The Grand Ducal, Tsarist and Imperial Hunting in Russia
Viktor Michailowitsch Wasnezow, Illustration für
Viktor Michailowitsch Wasnezow, Illustration to the poem
Viktor Michailowitsch Wasnezow, Portrait of the artist Nikolai Kuznetsov (1850-1929)
Viktor Michailowitsch Wasnezow, Leshy. Costume design for the opera